Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hahn's Shoe Stores

Hahn's Shoes had been a fixture in Washington DC since the late 1800s. The shot above is from their store at 7th and K Street in the early 1920s. Not quite sure what ever happened to it... seems it merged a few times and then sometime in the mid-1990s went out of business... Seems this building is no more as well... If anyone has the history, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I have sung at literally hundreds of demonstrations on behalf of peace and justice, both here and in many other countries, but somehow never saw any footage that documented any of it. This moment with Pete and Brother KIrkpatrick was unquestionably one that will always live in my heart, and it was great to actually see it in the video, with Pete so young and with Kirk, who didn't live long enough to see how much things have changed. I cried when I heard their great voices again! Please contact me and let me thank you in person!
    Barbara Dane
